Friday, February 25, 2011

To Bless Others

Dear Donor,

Two years ago you joined my twin sister and I on a journey that we had hoped would lead to the joyful reunion with our father in Nigeria. Since that time, hopefully you have chronicled our journey via our blog. Our last post was Dec 20th 2009 and at that time we shared our status and how we sensed God leading us in a different direction. Considering the cost and the smaller amount of money we had raised we thought God might be leading us to have our father travel here. Because our faith teaches us that the effectual prayers of the righteous avail much (James 5:16) we also asked for the gift of your prayers So before we go any further, we want to first say thank you all for your prayers! We definitely heard from the Lord, though his answer was not exactly what we had been expecting.

Zec. 4:6 tells us that things are accomplished not through might or power but by the move of the Holy Spirit. The events surrounding the reentry of our father into our lives speak to this truth. For we did not go looking for him, and every effort he made previously to find us led to a dead end. But the Lord planned the events of that day in 2006, when, through an early morning phone call and “chance” conversation, we were reunited with our father after 27 years! Upon beginning this journey we reasoned that if God performed that miracle then surely He would provide the miracle of us meeting our dad face to face.

However, over the course of this journey it has become increasingly more evident, as our plans were met with frustration and dead ends that we were doing things in our own strength and not necessarily through the leading of His spirit. I know that’s a pretty blunt thing to say, nonetheless, we have come to embrace this truth. Some may conclude that the lack of resources needed for this trip has lead us to this conclusion, but no, we believe that nothing can thwart the will of God. Simply put, if God had wanted us to take this trip then he would have put it on enough people’s hearts, through his spirit, to give what was needed or provided through other means. Nothing is impossible or too hard for God!

With all that said, we are not saying that God doesn’t want us to never meet our father face to face, but for right now we sense God has said no, or just not yet. We trust God with our whole hearts and believe when he said in his Word “I will not withhold one good thing from you” (Psalms 89:11) that He means that. We are content to trust him at His word and believe even if we never get to see our father on this side of heaven, we will on the other side!

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Well, what are they going to do with the money they have raised?” I am glad you asked! Believing that is it better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35) we would like to give away the $2,000.00 we raised! Given the poor economy, there is simply a huge amount of need out there and so we thought we’d donate the money to organizations that we have a heart for! This is what we desire to do, but we first wanted to ask you, our donors if this would be ok to do with the money you individually donated? If not, then don’t hesitate to ask for your donation to be returned. We would be happy to do that. (We just thought we might use the blessing to be a blessing to others.) Here is the list of the organizations that we would like to donate to:

1.) Agoon Alaska Alive ( 2.) The Elise and Joseph Foundation ( 3.) Rock Ministries ( 4.) Shalom Christian Missions ( 5. ) Miss Strawberry's Cafe ( 6.) Heifer International ( 7.) Experience Corps ( 8.) Habitat for Humanity ( 9.) Wounded Warrior Project ( 10.) Sickle Cell Disease Association of America ( 11.) Young Life ( 12.) Impact Movement ( 13.) Sponsor Change ( 14.) Harlem Children Village ( 15.) Students First (

Please get back to us as soon as possible to let us know of your decision. You can reach us at: If we don’t hear back from you, we will assume that it’s okay to apply your donation to one of these deserving organizations. Thank you in advance for taking this journey with us and for allowing us the opportunity to bless someone whose need is greater than ours! Sincerely The Oladapo Twins