Thursday, August 6, 2009


Summer update:
  • At the beginning of July, we informed our father with some sadness that we had decided to post-pone our travel plans to December 2009. Our aunt will be free to travel with us then, and hopefully we'll have raised a bit more money. We hope to purchase tickets by September 15, 2009.
  • Thanks to our dear friends and family, we have raised $1200 towards our goal of $4000! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • We are still raising money - no gift is too small.
  • Taiye is working for, to create a mural in our neighborhood! Check out the size of this piece of art! Taiye and a team of artists are transforming an ugly empty wall into something bright and beautiful.
  • We celebrated our 30th Birthday on July 31st! Hooooray!
    We're still in celebrating ;).